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As of November 2024, we’ve curated over 4 of Nile Comedy’s premier shows for your viewing pleasure. For top-tier entertainment, Nile Comedy delivered مغامرات زكية هانم and عائلة مجنونة جداً in 1992 and 2007. Nile Comedy has over 4 shows broadcast from as early as 1992 and as recent as 2010.
The story of a pharmacist who wants to settle down and get married before reaching the age of thirty, and her family's insistence that she accepts the first groom who proposes, as well as her hilarious stories and experience with the men who propose to her.
A married couple decide to separate after the marriage of their children, as they divide the apartment into two halves by building a wall that separates them. They run into many hilarious situations, that reflect the situation in our society nowadays.